Messier is a platform that encourages imagination and creative exploration. We wanted the chosen name to convey a story that aligned with the brand we’re building.
So often, as humans living in an achievement-focused society, we’re focused on productivity and perfection. It’s challenging for creativity to come through when we’re focused on a specific outcome. In truth, there’s no right or wrong way to be creative. We recognize the importance of making a mess and exploring outside the box. Freedom in creation allows new and unique ideas to come through in our own lives.
We hope to promote a culture where people feel free to experiment, take risks, and make mistakes. There’s beauty in the imperfections of the creative process, and Messier is about celebrating those aspects of the process.
The other part of our name comes from astronomer Charles Messier. Messier was born in France in 1730 and was famous for compiling a catalog of astronomical objects like nebulae and galaxies. Like the astronomer, we believe in exploration and discovery. Just as he searched the sky for new objects to catalog, we encourage people to explore their creativity and discover new ideas. There’s a sense of wonder and excitement in the discovery process – learning about something new or having an-aha moment during a project.
Most importantly, the Messier name is about possibility. It's about recognizing that creativity exists in all of us, and that we have the potential to create.
We hope Messier inspires people to take risks, break outside of their comfort zones, and see the world in a new way. Creativity is a journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. If we can allow ourselves the freedom to take risks and embrace messiness, we can nurture our creativity and open ourselves up to self-discovery and deeper connection to the world.